Don’t Let Firework Night Dull Your Dog’s Sparkle

As the autumn leaves begin to fall and the colder nights draw in, November is the month when loud bangs and whizzes fill the air with lights bursting and cracking into the night sky.

But what impact does this have on your dog, and how can you minimise any distress or anxiety surrounding this period?

It is not only the sounds but smells of explosives and smoke that permeate the air and our furry friends are hyper-sensitive. Dogs can smell up to a whopping twelve miles away and hear up to a distance of a mile!

Be Aware Of The Signs Of Stress

  • Shaking
  • Panting
  • Salivating
  • Yawning
  • Pacing

Give Firework Displays A Miss

If you are planning on attending a display, do not under any circumstances bring your pooch along. It is likely to be extremely traumatic and distressing. Ideally, it would be beneficial to stay at home with your dog to ensure they are comforted and safe and not left alone.

Plan Meals Earlier

Your dog may become nervous as the night and subsequent loud bangs and whistles begin it is a good idea to feed your dog earlier as they are likely to lose their appetite as their anxiety increases.

Extra Water

When anxiety is rising, so is their thirst therefore it's important to make sure their water bowl is always topped up.

Muffle The Sounds

You can take steps within your home to quieten or dampen down the noise levels outside. Close all windows and doors and keep curtains and blinds shut. Play Classic FM which has a dedicated evening show showcasing calming music for pets, a calming playlist on Spotify, or turn the TV up louder to disguise the noise.

Splash Out On A New Toy

A new toy, particularly a flavoured chew or food puzzle-based activity could be a useful distraction as it utilises the licking and chewing behaviours that dogs naturally do to self-soothe.

How To React To Distress

If your dog is showing signs of anxiety, do not tell them off as this will only make things worse for them, but the opposite of being too fussy is also counterproductive. The best attitude is to display a calm, relaxed demeanour as if everything is normal and not react to the sounds.


Make A Hideaway

You can help your pet escape to a sanctuary by creating a space away from everything and filling it with blankets and cushions to create a den of safety.

Plug It In

Some owners swear by a pheromone-based plug-in which releases hormones that calm the nervous system.

Roam If You Want To

As previously mentioned, one of the signs of stress is pacing so it is important not to shut your dog in just one room as they may want to walk around and explore other rooms to reassure themselves.

Contact Your Vet

If these conservative efforts do not help and you feel it is a serious problem, contact your vet for professional advice as they can also prescribe calming medication for these occasions.